St. Julie Billiart
Catholic Church
5500 Lear Nagle Road
North Ridgeville, OH 44039
Mailing Address & Offices:
5545 Opal Street, NR 44039
Mass Times
Saturday Vigil: 5:00 p.m.
(Vigil Mass is Live streamed & recorded)
Sunday: 9:00 a.m.
Sunday: 11:00 a.m.
with Children's Liturgy of the Word for ages 4+
Monday - Wednesday - Friday
5:30 p.m. in the Church
St. Julie's Saturday Vigil Mass Online
To attend a livestream from St. Julie Billiart click Livestream
The livestream opens 10 minutes before the posted Mass time.
To attend after the livestream ends, click here.
Readings can be found on USCCB website:
Saturday ~ 3:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Location: In the Library (by the PSR Office)
NOTE: No Confessions at St. Julie's on Saturday, February 8. Please join us at St. Peter's, 2:30-3:30.
See Fr. Bob's letter below for more info.
Wednesdays ~ 2:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Followed by Evening Prayer and Benediction
at 5:00 before 5:30 Mass​

~ Parish Mission ~
St. Peter and St. Julie Parishes will welcome Frank Runyeon for our Parish Mission on March 30, 31, and April 1 at St. Julie Parish at 7:00 p.m. each evening. Frank is an Emmy-nominated Catholic actor and will bring scripture to life with drama and humor as he presents the Gospels of John and Luke during this time of Eucharistic Revival. This will be great for the whole family! Save this date on your calendar so you don’t miss it!
Ukraine Welcome Circle - Lenten Message
Updated March 21 2025​
During this Lenten season, the UWC leadership is reflecting on how we can integrate our core spiritual disciplines of the Lenten Season of prayer, fasting and almsgiving, into support for the Bryiovskyis in their difficult wait for clarity on their immigration status in this tumultuous time.
We invite you to join us in our Lenten practices in support of the Bryiovskyis and others who are distressed at this time.
Prayer – Pray with us for all of those who are distressed as a result of the rapid changes in the government:
God our Father, we know that you hear the cries of all those who are distressed. Hear us as we pray for them so that their plight might be relieved. We pray for those who are causing the distress, that they may incorporate compassion and clarity in their decisions. We pray for ourselves that we might have the courage to do whatever we can to alleviate the distress and to address the causes. We ask you this through Christ, our brother. Amen.
Fasting – Give of your time to write a note or a card of support for the Bryiovskyis during Lent. Drop it in the collection basket and we will deliver it to them.
Almsgiving – Any size donation to help us support the Bryiovskyis for the remainder of the year we would be extremely appreciated. If that is not possible, then please take time to write them a note as described above.
God bless you for your support of the Bryiovskyis on this journey.

Pilgrimage to Rome and more!
Our Pastor, Fr. Bob Franco, will be leading a pilgrimage to Rome, Assisi, San Giovanni Rotundo (the monastery of St. Padre Pio) and other religious sites during the Holy Year 2025. This ten-day pilgrimage is from October 20 to October 29, 2025.
Fr. Bob is working with 206 Tours, a company he has travelled with in the past.
Click here to find out more at 206 Tours! The itinerary and sites are described in detail. Booking is through the 206 Tours website.
Community Care Meal
Join us for a safe TAKE-OUT meal on the last Thursday of each month from 5:30 to 6:15 p.m. at the front door of the church. Our next meal will be Thursday, March 27, 5:30-6:15 p.m. (new time). It is no cost and no touch drive through. Please stay in your car and the meal(s) will be brought out to you by a volunteer.
We need your help to make this meal possible so please sign up in the vestibule of the Church, or call or text Joanne Pogros at 440-391-8984, to bring food and/or to help serve the meals and "deliver" to the drive through.
2024 Contribution Statements
If you would like a copy of your Contribution Statement for 2024 please contact the office via email, stjbc@stjuliebilliart.org, or call the office at 440-327-1978. Please include your envelope number. If you have signed up for our online Giving Program, Faith Direct, your statement of giving will be mailed to you directly from Faith Direct. Please take note - all 2024 donations must have been received on or before December 31, 2024.
Online Donations - Faith Direct
Did you know that St. Julie's offers Online Giving?
We prayerfully request that you consider signing up for eGiving and setting up your recurring donation. You can use eGiving from your computer, smartphone or tablet for recurring and one-time gifts.
For additional information, visit our Online Donations page which is in the menu under Parish Info.
From the desk of Fr. Bob Franco
from the bulletin for March 21, 2025
The most recent message from Fr. Bob is always available in the bulletin.
Dear Parishioners,
Lent is the season of joining in Jesus’ time of prayer and fasting in the desert. We embrace the practices of almsgiving, prayer, and fasting in a more intentional manner. However, one of the goals of doing penance is repentance, meaning a change of heart and mind that reconciles us to God and one another. And one of the best ways to enter into repentance is through the sacrament of reconciliation.
Last Wednesday, I joined hundreds of priests in the Diocese of Cleveland to hear confessions for three hours on Wednesday evening. Though this stretches our stamina a bit, most of us are glad to do this. Helping people experience the forgiveness and mercy of God is what we priests are made for.
If you have not yet gone to confession this Lent, I encourage you to do so. There will be a number of opportunities to celebrate this sacrament between now and Easter. One special time to go to confession will be this Sunday, March 23 at 3:00 p.m. at St. Julie Parish. This is our annual joint communal penance service. Individual confessions will be heard after a brief prayer service and examination of conscience. All are welcome!
One concrete way of embracing the Lenten practices of almsgiving, prayer, and fasting is to assist with the St. Julie-St. Peter Ukrainian Welcome Circle. In this bulletin, there is an update on the Bryiovskyi family and how we can assist them. Check it out.
Our joint parish mission is around the corner. This year’s parish mission will be a bit different. Frank Runyon, an Emmy nominated Hollywood actor and devout Catholic, will be presenting gospel stories. Details are in this bulletin. Please make participation in this mission a priority. You will not regret it.
I need to take a moment to give a shout out to Tom Gimmartino, our part time maintenance person. He spent a good part of his winter labors painting the halls and door frames of the St. Julie educational wing. This involved repairing the walls, lots of taping, trimming, and then rolling. Thank you, Tom, for sprucing up our educational wing.
Today’s readings are both practical and prophetic. Our first reading highlights things we all should know well-The Ten Commandments. Whether we know them well or not, I do believe that we could all live these commandments better! One way to examine our conscience is to deeply reflect on these commandments and ask, “Am I living these commandments?” It would be a great way to prepare for the Sacrament of Penance.
The gospel presents us with a prophetic act of Jesus. The cleansing of the Temple shows us that Jesus wants the Church, and each member of the Church: to be a holy dwelling. We have been created to worship God. However, we are easily preoccupied with the things of the world. He desires to cleanse us. Jesus also uses this opportunity to tell us, in a veiled way, that He is the Temple, crucified and raised on the third day. Let us seek to be his living stones!
In Christ,
Fr. Bob Franco

As seen from in our church!

As seen from in our church!